Friday, December 6, 2019

Theoretical Trends and Changing Perspectives †

Question: Discuss about the Theoretical Trends and Changing Perspectives. Answer: Introduction: The concerns of dynamism in the modern business environment have led to various initiatives adopted by organizations to reform their conventional practices. It is essential to notice that the organizations which require change are largely dependent on an analysis of the forces which drive the change. The generic factors responsible for initiating change in an organization include technological advancement, nature of workforce, competition, world politics, social trends and economic shocks. However, it is imperative to consider the macro environmental factors which could influence the approaches of change followed in an organization (Antonakis, 2017). The concerned case of the retail sector organization has to be reviewed with respect to the PESTLE analysis of Mauritius retail sector that can provide feasible insights into the requirement of change in the organization. The primary objective of the duty free retail shop at the airport in the present context is to improvise the turnover of the organization alongside enhancing customer service (Bolman Deal, 2017). Therefore the operations and sales department of the organization need to implement changes for catering the organizational dynamics alongside accomplishing the specific objectives of the organization. In order to accomplish the objectives of change management effectively, the organization needs to identify the specific dimensions of the enterprise which require changes. The major responsibility of leadership in such scenarios is directed towards analysis of the external environment in order to anticipate the pitfalls as well as advantages that can be acquired by an enterprise in given business environment. The PESTLE analysis for Mauritius would be eligible as a viable impression of the macro elements that can influence the business and relevant decisions of the duty free retail shop (BoezemanEllemers, 2014). The existing political environment in Mauritius has provided substantial opportunities for the country to overcome major issues alongside the notable influence on other aspects such as technology, economic factors, environmental and social factors. Mauritius has been able to depict political resilience in dealing with the challenges presented to the country since 2002. The impact of globalization was profoundly noted in the depreciation of trade preferences in the case of textiles and sugar which accounted for major influences on economy. The prominent outcomes were also identified in the decline of economic growth and increment in the levels of unemployment, public debt and budget deficit (?erne, Jakli?kerlavaj, 2013). Therefore the government of Mauritius implemented substantial reforms in order to address the problems identified in the country. The primary initiative was observed in drastic economic reforms that would enable the country to deal with formidable challenges of competition in the global market. The economic reform was characterized with emphasis on reduction of fiscal weakness alongside improving the business outcomes for the organization, enhancing conditions for investment in the country and the prospects for acquiring higher FDI investment (Ciulla, 2014). The initiatives of the government to promote the ICT sector alongside providing facilities for free trade zones at airports could be accounted as feasible opportunities for the airport duty free shopfor introducing changes in management. The economic condition of Mauritius is opportunistic with the provision of gradual improvement in the growth rate of the GDP every year. The per capita income in Mauritius is considered to be superior to other countries such as India while depicting lesser average inflation rates. The economy of Mauritius could be characterized with middle-income diversification especially with improvements in the industrial sector, tourist sector and financial sector. Presently, Mauritius could be assumed as a formidable example of transition from agricultural economy to an industrial one (Daft, 2014). Social factors of Mauritius could be ascertained from an interpretation of the culture of the country which can be classified as a mixture of different cultures such as that of Europe, India, France, China, Africa and Europe. The social security system evident in the case of Mauritius is supported by certain essential features. For example, the social assistance schemes, occupational pension schemes and government subsidies provided on housing and food could be assumed as major social characteristics of the business environment in Mauritius (Dinh et al., 2014). Technological developments have become the centre of attraction in modern business contexts with the improvement of opportunities for organizations to ensure better interactions with customers. The profound development in ICT sector could enable organizations to cope with the changes in customer interactions. The use of ICT for development of interactive CRM systems could be validated as a favourable opportunity that can be accessed by the airport duty free shop for improving customer service. Environmental factors involved in context of Mauritius could be anticipated from the governments preferences for determining protection and improvement of the environment. The measures taken by the government for ensuring energy efficiency could be observed in the form of motivation programs for industry, public and private to use energy efficient electrical devices (FairhurstConnaughton, 2014). The presence of regulatory institutions such as the Energy efficiency management office could also be accounted as a notable highlight of the environmental aspect of macro environment of an organization. Another potential highlight that must be considered in the environmental aspects is the promotion of energy efficient parameters for construction of buildings (Goleman, Boyatzis McKee, 2013). Legal aspects of the country are characterized with the references to provision of tax benefits and exclusion of custom duties.Furthermore, the government initiatives for addressing the influx of higher volume of tourists through focus on tourism industry could also be considered responsible for formulation of legal dimensions. Policies and codes of practice observed in the case of monitoring the tourism industry could also be influential on the prospects for airport duty free shop to acquire competitive advantage. Example of Change Required In The Workplace The example of change that could be implemented in the workplace could refer to the establishment of comprehensive ICT frameworks within the organization as perceived from the PESTLE analysis. The requirement for ICT framework is intended to simplify the communication process within an organization and the necessity of communication has been perceived as crucial in context of modern business environments. As observed from the technological developments in the macro environment of Mauritius, the prevalence of technological developments in information and communication technology has led to the profound indications towards the use of ICT for instating a customer relationship management system (Komives Wagner, 2016). Since the majority of customers of the shop comprise of tourists, it is essential to sustain a long term relationship with customers in order to acquire consistent sources of revenue. The customer relationship management system would be helpful for the organization to maintain customer information and ensure appropriate segmentation, targeting and positioning mechanisms. One of the prominent benefits that could be availed from the CRM would be observed in identification of travel purposes and frequency in order to target customers that visit the airport frequently. Furthermore, the ICT framework could also help managers to cater communication needs of large employee base alongside facilitating an unconventional approach to business management (LussierAchua, 2015). Communication for Effective Change Communicating change within the workplace could be a major challenge for managers that can be addressed through considering the significance of people as the central focus for change management (Northouse, 2015). The strategies for communication that could be implemented in context of change management in the workplace have to be largely directed towards the employees in the operations sales department who would be largely affected by the introduction of the new CRM framework. It would be imperative to consider the underlying implications of empowerment and transformation which could help in recognition of the varying needs of different individuals alongside creating opportunities and environments that could assist employees in acquaintance with the changes. The use of an effective communication plan could be assumed as a credible resource to address the needs of communication and involvement of people in the change management process (Tourish, 2014). The communication plan should be associated with objectives such as involvement of a wide range of stakeholders including the senior management and the staff for developing suitable environments for implementation of change. It is also imperative to use communication mechanisms that could be characterized with inclusive, empowering, transparent and open characteristics (Tschannen-Moran, 2014). The communication for effective change is considerably dependent on certain human factors which include proactive sponsorship, the team, communication and the involvement of middle managers (Tourish, 2014). The change management projects have to be communicated effectively to the team involved in implementation of change as concerned in this report. The requirement of activity and comprehensive involvement of the top management team is responsible for the resolution of scenarios which require comprehensive adaptation to the critical scenarios encountered by organizations. The requirement of sponsorship from external stakeholders and brands could be responsible for observing profound implications in the productivity that can be derived from approval and consent for the allocation of resources in order to address the issues faced by the duty free shop. Another human factor is considerably associated with the involvement of middle managers that also reflect on the involvement of employe es that can improve project growth alongside reflecting on the personal development that can lead to sustainable opportunities for the employees. It is also imperative to understand the role of the contribution of human resources in order to obtain considerable benefits in the form of procedural, professional and financial implications associated with the change management process (Tschannen-Moran, 2014). Therefore the human factor of communication should be addressed effectively in terms of the comprehensive involvement of stakeholders in the change management process that can be indicative of the lean management processes that enable an organization to adapt to the change management process. Human factors associated with the change management process could also implement considerably beneficial outcomes in the form of improved communication between the team members thereby depreciating the emotional obstacles that are deported to their native countries. Financial factors that are accounted for observing potentially beneficial outcomes in context of the change management process considered in the report are also presented in form of the investment uncertainties regarding the change management processes and the involvement of external agencies required to implement the change management process (Lussier Achua, 2015). The involvement of external agencies is perceived in terms of funding for the different activities such as the role of sponsors in providing additional funding for the advertisement in the duty free shop for their flagship products. Another financial factor can be perceived in the observation of ambiguities in the cash flow statement and the income statement. These financial statements are responsible for identifying the requirement of financial resources in order to obtain information required for addressing business obligations that emerge with the change process (Lussier Achua, 2015). The cash flow statement and inco me statement facilitate considerable implications towards the inflow of financial assets alongside the expenses to be incurred with respect to the change management process. The involvement of employees in the change management process could be largely influenced on the grounds of training of employees through a participative approach. The change management process could be improvised through maintaining a viable framework to provide employees with critical information pertaining to change as well as ensuring their involvement with feedback mechanisms and support during the change implementation (Lussier Achua, 2015). Employee involvement could also be addressed through following a transformational approach in order to realize change management objectives. The transformational approach is responsible for empowering employees to contribute to the mission and objectives of change management thereby implying feasible reforms in the proposed CRM framework. Technique for Planning Change The technique that can be applied for planning change with respect to the given context of the airport duty free shop could be observed in the form of a model of change. The technique would involve a stage wise categorization of change which is initiated with the communication of sense of urgency for the CRM system. The organization has to develop a guiding group which would be responsible for directing the employees for adapting the changes in the ICT framework of the enterprise (Dinh et al., 2014). The change management planning would also comprise of the vision conveyed by the guiding group for implementing the change alongside addressing the anticipated obstacles for the organizations new vision for customer service and workplace relationships. The timeline for implementing the CRM framework to be implemented in case of duty free shop can be presented in the form of a Gantt chart as follows. Activity Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Planning of ICT framework Design of CRM system Customer feedback analysis Reforms in CRM framework Communicating the design to employees Training of employees Employee feedback Final CRM design References Antonakis, J., 2017. The nature of leadership.Sage publications. Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Boezeman, E.J. and Ellemers, N., 2014. Volunteer leadership: The role of pride and respect in organizational identification and leadership satisfaction. Leadership, 10(2), pp.160-173. ?erne, M., Jakli?, M. and kerlavaj, M., 2013. Authentic leadership, creativity, and innovation: A multilevel perspective. Leadership, 9(1), pp.63-85. Ciulla, J.B. ed., 2014.Ethics, the heart of leadership.ABC-CLIO. Daft, R.L., 2014. The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Dinh, J.E., Lord, R.G., Gardner, W.L., Meuser, J.D., Liden, R.C. and Hu, J., 2014. 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